ِAs we are mainly concerned with education and learning, our solution is to present content mainly in Arabic because language is the pillar of culture. Rather than offering model answers, we rather present the different results of our research and consultation with experts relevant to each project. Our aim is to deliver tools in any form to allow our audience to access knowledge and develop their own answers. Our platforms are places for discussion. We are interested in hearing your questions and listening to your feedback. TAKWEEN’s content is oriented towards ethics in general. We hope to reach all parents and children and we encourage you to add your own religious perspective and philosophical views to the base we propose.

TAKWEEN Creative Studio (TCS) is a sub brand of TAKWEEN. This branch follows the same values as its “parent” but with a different target. At TCS, we would like to offer our creative services to help you with your mission and facilitate spreading your messages. We select our clients based on shared values and their interest in making a change to our community. To us, the size of your business is not as important as the significance of your message. We encourage the use of Arabic but we are open to communication in any language. We choose with you the medium that better suits your idea and work together to make it come to life. We are always eager to learn from you and about you, and we would love to provide you with the tools you need to achieve your goal. Projects are an “excuse” to open discussions and we are always open to feedback.

Services & Solutions

As a media company and a content producer, our goal is to benefit the larger society. Our aim is to deliver tools in any form to allow our audience to access knowledge and develop themselves. Part of our mission is to empower the community by offering our creative services. We provide a wide range of services from graphic design and branding to animation and interaction design (game, UX/UI). We also possess over ten years of experience with installations and immersive film production in the Middle East and Africa.

Media Formats

Immersive Media Production